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To all my brothers and sisters I pray and hope that this year 2011 will be your best year yet. I want to start the year by discussing two very important things in our lives. (1) Purpose, what is purpose? Purpose is the original intent or desired end result. Purpose was God motivation for creation, which makes purpose more important than plans. The key to success in life is not to pursue success but to pursue value. When you make yourself valuable you become attractive. (2) Crisis, what is crisis? my answer might shock or disturb you but crisis is your friend. Yes you read it right I said "crisis is your friend" crisis is a source of creativity, thats why you never grow in good times. In fact crisis demands creativity. Pressure produces progress. Expect change and you will not be disappointed. Here is my challenge for you, anytime you think of a crisis change the name to opportunity and see yourself or business grow. God bless you and yours and together let's maximize our potential in 2011.

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